Dear valued stakeholder, please note that our telephone line 031 365 7800 is temporarily unavailable. During this period, you can reach us on 031 355 0710

Economic Regulation

Amendment of the Tariff Strategy: Marine Services

Tariff Strategy

In 2015/16, the Regulator published a long-term Tariff Strategy (“the Strategy”), which was subsequently updated in March 2020. The Strategy took into account costs and set out the trajectory for marine services port tariffs to reach a cost-reflective tariff base. The amendments does not deviate from the principles of  the tariff design, enhances the pursuance of cost reflectivity.

The Discussion Document on the proposed amendment of the Tariff Strategy – Marine Services may be found here: Discussion Document

Written Comments and Submissions

Port users, stakeholders, and interested parties are requested to comment on the proposed Marine Tariff Design. All persons are invited to submit written comments on the proposed Tariff Strategy – Marine Services no later than Friday, 10 February 2023. 

Written submissions should be sent to: 

The Chairman, Ports Regulator, Private Bag X54322, Durban 4000, 

OR Suite 1101, The Marine Building, 22 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban, 4001. 

Comments may be e-mailed to:  

Contact person: Ms. Nonhlanhla Khumalo, Tel. (031) 365-7800.

The Ports Regulator will take into consideration all comments and submission received, all engagements held, and all other considerations and publish final reports by 31 March 2023.


Public Consultations

An invitation is hereby extended to stakeholders and interested parties to attend public engagements on the revisions to the Tariff Methodology and Marine Strategy. The engagements are scheduled as follows:

Region Date Time
Cape Town: Protea Hotel Fire & Ice! by Marriott Cape Town, Conference Room: Launch Pad, New Church Street, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town, 8018 22 February 2023 09h00 – 13h00
Durban: Hilton Hotel Umhlanga, Conference Room: Umhlanga Maine Room 1, 1 Ncondo Pl, Umhlanga Ridge, Umhlanga, 4320 23 February 2023  09h00 – 13h00
Port Elizabeth: Nelson Mandela University Business School, Conference room: Auditorium, Port Elizabeth – 2nd Avenue, Summerstrand, Gqeberha, 6001 24 February 2023  09h00 – 13h00
Gauteng: 27 February 2023 09h00 – 13h00

The roadshows will provide an opportunity for interested parties and the NPA to make oral representations in the engagement sessions.  

Interested parties who wish to attend can register at PRSA Roadshow Registration

Interested parties who wish to make oral representations must submit their requests to no later than 14 February 2023. All registered presenters will be provided with a 15-minute slot.